Data Delivery: sftp Guide

1 Credentials

When Phase has completed a project, you will be notified with an email. There will be a username and sftp server address in the email as well as a pem key file to access the sftp. The pem key file will need to have permissions set by executing one of the following depending on your operating system.

Mac OS

If you are using a Mac operating system, chmod will work for setting file permissions:

chmod 400 user.pem

Windows OS

If you are using a Windows operating system, you should be using either icacls or Set-Acl cmdlets to modify file permissions:

Using icacls:

icacls user.pem /inheritance:r /grant:r 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(RX)' 'BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)' 'BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)' 'SYSTEM:(F)' 'SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)' 'CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)'

Using Set-Acl:

$file = Get-Item "user.pem"
$acl = $file.GetAccessControl()
$acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
$acl | Set-Acl -Path "user.pem"

The credentials will have the following format:
username: (to be sent via email)
server address:

Your data will be available on the sftp for two weeks (14 days) from the date of the email. If you anticipate needing more time to finish backing up your data, please reply directly to the delivery email.

2 Sftp Solutions

User Interface

If you do not already have a preferred tool, we recommend CyberDuck. It has a free tier and is simple to install and use. Once you have launched CyberDuck, you need to ensure you switch to the “sFTP” protocol.

Command Line

Alternatively, you can use the command line. To connect to the server:
sftp -i {pem file}

Here are some useful commands to use once you are connected to the sFTP server:

cd : Change directories on the sFTP server

ls : List contents of current directory on server

lcd : Change local directory on your computer (where your files will be downloaded)

lls : List contents of local directory on your computer

pwd : Show path of the present working directory on server

get : Download a file

get -r : Recursively download a folder

exit : Quit sFTP

If you need more sFTP commands, type ? while connected to the server.

If you have difficulty accesing your data, please let us know.